The Consequences of Incorrect Garage Door Track Installation

Investing in a new garage door enhances your home’s security and energy efficiency. It can offer better insulation, saving on heating and cooling costs throughout the year. A new door also boosts curb appeal, potentially increasing the value of your home.

Attempting to install a new garage door alone can lead to problems like incorrect track installation. You can avoid this problem by investing in professional garage door installation in Wichita, KS. With our help, you can rest assured your new door is installed correctly.

Here are some negative consequences of incorrect garage door track installation.

Safety Hazards of Incorrect Installation

Improper installation of garage door tracks is more than just an inconvenience; it’s a safety issue. The door might come off them if the tracks aren’t aligned right. This could lead to the heavy door falling, which is a significant risk to anyone or anything underneath it.

Not only can this cause serious injuries, but it could also damage your vehicle or any other items in the garage. It’s essential to have a professional install your garage door and ensure that the tracks are correctly aligned to prevent these safety hazards.

Decreased Garage Door Lifespan

When a garage door track is not installed correctly, it leads to extra strain on the door parts. This means that the door and its components must work harder every time you open and close it. Over time, this additional effort can cause parts to wear out faster, meaning your garage door might need repairs or replacements sooner than expected.

To avoid this problem, investing in professional garage door installation in Wichita, KS, is crucial. Our team has the expertise and experience to ensure all components are aligned and working together smoothly. This can help extend the lifetime of your garage door and save you money in the long run.

Increased Maintenance and Repair Costs

A garage door that doesn’t slide smoothly on its tracks can be a hassle. If the tracks aren’t put on right, the door works too hard every time it moves. This extra effort can wear out the door parts quickly. You may need to call for frequent repairs, which can increase costs.

Investing in professional installation ensures that your garage door is correctly installed and running smoothly on its tracks. This can help you avoid the ongoing costs of inadequate track installation and keep your garage door functioning properly.

Security Vulnerabilities

A garage door that hasn’t been installed correctly is a security issue. If your garage door is off its tracks, it might not close all the way or could be weak in some spots. This can make it easier for someone to open your garage door from the outside without needing a remote or key.

Keeping your home safe means ensuring every door, including your garage door, is strong and works as it should. That’s why professional installation is so important.

Let the Experts Handle Your Garage Door Installation in Wichita, KS!

Do you want to avoid the problems covered in this blog? If so, contact us to schedule professional garage door installation in Wichita, KS!