From Sun to Snow: How Weather Impacts Your Garage Door

When it comes to protecting your valuable belongings, your garage door is usually your first line of defense against the unpredictable elements of the weather. From the blistering summer sun to the chilling winter snow, weather conditions can significantly impact your garage door’s overall functionality and longevity.

Mitigating the risk of weather-related garage door damage will require professional help. Our garage door company in Wichita provides repair and replacement services. When Mother Nature does a number on your garage door, we can fix it quickly.

Here are some ways changing weather can impact your garage door.

Temperature Fluctuations

Temperature fluctuations can have a significant impact on your garage door. High temperatures can cause the door’s metal parts to expand, leading to misalignment of the door mechanism. On the other hand, extreme cold can make these parts contract, which could result in a stiff or unresponsive door.

When the temperature gets too hot or cold, your garage door can become damaged and suffer from structural instability. To help protect against this, our garage door company in Wichita offers preventive maintenance services to check for any signs of weather-related damage and ensure everything is in working order.

Rain and Moisture

Rain and moisture can also wreak havoc on your garage door, affecting its aesthetic appeal and structural integrity. Moisture, in particular, tends to seep into any cracks or voids in the door, which can lead to various types of damage:

  • Rust Formation: Over time, moisture can lead to the formation of rust on the metal parts of the garage door, reducing its strength and durability.
  • Wooden Door Damage: If your garage door is made of wood, prolonged exposure to moisture can cause the wood to warp or rot, potentially compromising the door’s stability and appearance.
  • Electrical Issues: Excessive moisture can also pose a risk to the electrical components of your garage door system, such as the opener and sensors, leading to malfunctions or even electrical shorts.
  • Mold and Mildew: Damp conditions are ideal for the growth of mold and mildew, which damages the door itself and poses a health risk for individuals in your household.

To prevent these problems, you need to have quality weatherstripping installed. This weatherstripping will keep moisture out of your garage.

Sun Exposure

Constant exposure to direct sunlight can harm your garage door, particularly if it’s painted. The vibrant color of your garage door might start to fade due to the continuous onslaught of UV rays. This diminishes the aesthetic appeal of your garage entrance and could impact your home’s curb appeal and potentially its overall value.

But the effects of sun exposure aren’t just skin-deep. The intensity of UV rays can also weaken certain materials over time. This can potentially lead to a decrease in the structural integrity of your garage door, making it more susceptible to damage from other weather conditions or general use.

Our Garage Door Company in Wichita is Here To Help!

Are you dealing with weather-related garage door damage? If so, our garage door company in Wichita can help!