From Moisture to Misalignment: Common Causes of Garage Door Warping

Think about the most essential parts of your home. You might list items like your roof, living room, or even kitchen. But what about your garage door? It’s easy to forget how essential this equipment is until something goes wrong. And when your garage door starts warping, it can cause many headaches.

Warping can happen to any garage door, regardless of material or type. It can lead to serious problems that may affect the operation of your door, security, and even the appearance of your home.

Addressing these issues will require you to invest in professional garage door repair in Wichita, KS. Love Garage Doors can find and fix the underlying cause of your warping issues. If a new door is needed, we can install it in no time.

Below are some common causes of garage door warping.

Extreme Weather Changes

Rapid weather changes can harm your garage door. If it’s hot one day and cold the next, this can make your door bend or twist out of shape. This is known as warping. Places with hot summers and cold winters are especially at risk for this.

The heat can expand the door, and the cold can make it contract. This constant change can stress the door and cause it to warp. Warping can lead to problems with how your door works.

It can also make your home less secure and even change its appearance. So, taking care of your garage door and watching for signs of warping is essential.

Improper Installation Can Result in Warping

Another critical cause of garage door warping is improper installation. When the door isn’t set up correctly, it can start to twist or bend over time. This is because it’s unbalanced and the weight isn’t evenly distributed.

The mistakes that can cause warping include:

  • Incorrect Balancing: The door must be balanced perfectly to operate correctly. If not done right, it can start to warp.
  • Misaligned Tracks: If the tracks on either side of the door aren’t aligned, it can lead to uneven wear and eventually warping.
  • Poor Quality Materials: Using low-quality materials during installation can affect the durability and longevity of the door, leading to warping over time.
  • Incorrect Measurements: If the door isn’t the right size for your garage, it will have to strain to operate, which could cause it to warp.

Remember, proper installation is essential to prevent issues like warping. Our team provides installation services and garage door repair in Wichita, KS.

Age and Wear

Like everything else, garage doors also age and wear out over time. As your garage door gets older, it will face normal wear and tear. This means the door has been used often, and the parts get worn out over time.

The constant opening and closing and exposure to various weather conditions can cause the door to lose shape and start warping. Regular use can cause the parts to wear down, and this wear and tear can eventually lead to the door warping.

While you can’t stop your door from aging, you can slow down the wear and tear by taking good care of your door. Regular maintenance can prevent warping and keep your door working well for longer.

Contact Us for Garage Door Repair in Wichita, KS!

Do you need help fixing a warped or broken garage door? If so, contact us for garage door repair in Wichita, KS!